I Love Ravelry!

I've been a member on Ravelry now for a couple of years, ever since I first discovered knitting.  But I became frustrated with knitting when I was first trying to learn it a couple of years ago.  But a trip to a beautiful yarn store this past summer got my interested piqued again.  And when I picked up the needles this time, it seemed to go a whole lot smoother.  Something finally clicked and I was able to finish some projects, and really "get" knitting.  So now I'm hooked!  I've even started my own forum group for what has fast become my favorite knitting book,  Wendy Knits Lace by Wendy D. Johnson.  Wendy designs GORGEOUS knits and I am becoming a very big fan of her work.  All I'm waiting for are some needles that I ordered to arrive and I can get started on her Delicate Vines socks.  This will be my first pair of socks so I am also using Wendy's Socks from the Toe Up book to help be get started.

The thing about Ravelry is that it is so inspiring to see everyone else's projects.  You get to meet other people with similar interests, not only just knitting but many other things as well.  I'm part of a group for a podcast called Knitting Pipeline, where Paula talks about knitting, nature, and bagpiping and celtic music.  Another podcast group, Knit 1 Geek 2 combines knitting and geeky popculture like Harry Potter, Star Trek,  other things we geeky people like.  There is a hiking group, groups for favorite designers, and groups for favorite local yarn shops, and just about anything else you can imagine.  And if it's not there, you can start one!  Ravelry is free to join and is a must for anyone who likes knitting and crocheting.

It's so much fun to have a new hobby to get excited about!  I like knitting because I can create something beautiful and useful at the same time.  It's easier for me right now than sewing, because I can do it during my train commute to work.  And you can meet so many nice people who also knit, online and off.

Do you knit?  Are you on ravelry?  Do you get inspired there?


9:33 AM Posted by Ellie 0 comments
Thanks for stopping by!  I've loved reading blogs, particularly blogs related to the simplicity movement for many years now.  I've finally decided to start one of my own.  I'll be sharing my thoughts, feelings, accomplishments and false starts for my quest toward a life of more simplicity and intentional living. I'll blog about posts on other blogs that I really like, books I've read that help toward this journey, and even a few beautiful pictures.  I'll share my creative projects too, like sewing and knitting.  I hope you'll enjoy it!

May your life be filled with peace, love, comfort, joy, and quiet wisdom.