I love Ravelry too much...

I've been spending most of my online time on Ravelry.com, and ignoring my new blog!  But I've met so many nice people there that it is now my favorite social networking site.

I've signed up for a Holiday Swap, where two people get paired up and you make them a $20 gift box filled with big and little things that you think they would like.  I'm so excited about it and it's been really fun.  The group is called Swap on a Budget for you ravelers out there.

Also they have a buy and sell area ("destashing")  where crafters can sell their excess yarn directly to each other. I found someone selling for $32 three skeins of a hand-dyed wool from Three Irish Girls, which usually sells for about $20 a skein.    So I thought it was a great deal.  The seller emailed and said "Oh sorry I'm a little late getting this out - I found some extra and I threw it in there for you."  I thought "great, maybe an extra half a skein - cool"  After getting lost in the mail (thank goodness for delivery confirmation) it finally arrived in the mail, and this is what I got.

That's a whole lot more than three.  I was floored and delighted!  I've often heard people say that knitters and other fiber people can be the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I'm starting to learn that's true!

I've started working on my first shawl and I'm very excited.

I'll try to keep my posts up, and post about something else besides knitting!

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